The 2023 Movement 5280 Charity Golf Tournament! ⛳️ We loved showing our support for a good cause.

For those of you who don’t know Movement 5280’s mission is to provide a “family of support” to the homeless. The organization supplies meals, clothing, hygiene products, mentorship, bible study and more for homeless youth who aged out of foster care.

The event started off with an introduction and a nice prayer. Our four employees played in the tournament and placed third out of all the teams competing. Shawn, one of our service technicians won the longest putt. We had a very enjoyable time helping set up and clean up.

Raffles and bets were placed during the whole event. Although, we didn’t win any of the raffles, we won just by being there. The event ended with a wonderful story of one of the members who received care through the program. They helped get her off the streets as a pregant 19 year old. They gave her amazing support and helped her be a great mother to her child. She is now an employee of the 5280 program. Congrats, she also just got married! 

Lastly, we got a delicious BBQ meal. We brought the BRAS unit and served frozen Arnold Palmers and Pina Coladas. It was a hit!  

We want to thank everyone who was involved and who donated. For more information or to donate, please visit